Libya Slave Trade: “Celebrities Are Coming Out To Speak, Where Are Our Pastors?” – Daddy Freeze - WELCOME TO THEWATCHNEWS. : WORLD NEWS & ENTERTAINMENT.


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Thursday 30 November 2017

Libya Slave Trade: “Celebrities Are Coming Out To Speak, Where Are Our Pastors?” – Daddy Freeze

Reacting to the current slave trade going on in Libya, OAP Daddy Freeze has called out Nigerian pastors for not speaking and standing up for our brothers over there when celebrities are doing so.

Reacting to the current slave trade going on in Libya, OAP Daddy Freeze has called out Nigerian pastors for not speaking and standing up for our brothers over there when celebrities are doing so.
As usual, he also attached a verse from the Bible.

Read below…

“I meant to say 29th of November, I’m so unhappy about what’s going on in Libya that I got the date wrong, please forgive me!

A minor attack on tithing and almost every pastor comes out to defend it.
A major attack on humanity and up until now I’m waiting for the first pastor to stand in condemnation, or put their resources together and make that difference.

One GO, they say owns 4 private jets, imagine how many of our brothers that could help bring home. If they could use church jets to buy ammunition, why can’t they use them to bring home our brothers?

Or are they implying that the lives of our brothers are worth much less than the guns that will kill them?

Celebrities are coming out to speak and stand up for our brothers, WHERE ARE OUR PASTORS??? Are they too busy advertising their next concert, or are they so preoccupied with filling their event centers this Sunday, that they can’t take a few minutes off practicing the speeches that will ginger 10 people to bring out =N=1Billion each, to remember the plight of the very brothers Jesus admonished us to keep?

Reacting to the current slave trade going on in Libya, OAP Daddy Freeze has called out Nigerian pastors for not speaking and standing up for our brothers over there when celebrities are doing so.

Could the demeanor of these pastors be attributed to the fact that the refugees don’t have tithe cards?

I was traumatized last night, tormented by the gory image of the roasted cadaver that was once a brother of ours, where is the love; Is there any ‘humanity’ left in ‘human beings’?

I thank the federal government for rising to the occasion and bringing home our brothers, some returned tonight, as reported by captain @usoroessien.

It’s a damn shame to us all, if the government proves more caring and compassionate that the so called ‘house of God’.

Lets remember, true Christianity is about love, NOT MONEY! ~FRZ


◄ Luke 10 ► [25] On one occasion an expert in the law stood up to test Jesus. “Teacher,” he asked, “what must I do to inherit eternal life?” [26] “What is written in the Law?” he replied. [27] He answered, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’[a]; and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[b]” [28] “You have answered correctly,” Jesus replied. “Do this and you will live.”

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